Starrling Hallway

Johan Berggren
December 2 2017
Malmo SE

Jewelry in collaboration
with Ariel Vik Maxwell

Press Release

Look Up For Chance

backpack, wood, glass, miniature pool ball, Ariel jewelry

Only Starrling Conference Call

interior wall paint, library furniture, fabric, yearbook paper (1974), Ariel jewelry

Look Up For Grace

backpack, wood, glass, miniature pool ball, Ariel jewelry

Aging Picture Frame, 5:33
digital video

The Driven Gift

laundry container, wood, glass, yearbook paper (1974), 3d printed plastic, fabric

Source Of Control

table, glass, interior wall paint, dentistry furniture, charger to reading pen, fabric, dye, Ariel jewelry

My Friend Linda

library furniture, wood, glass, miniature pool ball, 3d printed plastic, cable, Ariel jewelry

Thank You
Ariel Vik Maxwell, Alan, Edie, Michael, Bunny, Joe, Win, Rebecca, Caesar, Timothy, Seth, Mojo, Zach, Graham, Ben, Morgen, Johan and Candice